Import SVGR

By default, Rslib treats SVG images as static assets.

By adding the @rsbuild/plugin-svgr plugin, Rslib supports transforming SVG to React components via SVGR.

Quick start

Install the plugin

You can install the plugin using the following command:

npm add @rsbuild/plugin-svgr -D

Register the plugin

You can register the plugin in the rslib.config.ts file:

import { pluginSvgr } from '@rsbuild/plugin-svgr';

export default {
  plugins: [pluginSvgr()],


Bundle mode

In bundle mode, all usages supported by @rsbuild/plugin-svgr are available in Rslib. The only difference is that when using an SVG file in URL form, Rslib will retain the import statement for the static asset in the output according to Import static assets.

Here is an example of usage:

import Logo from './logo.svg?react';

export const App = () => <Logo />;

If the import path does not include the ?react suffix, the SVG will be treated as a normal static asset, and the import statement for the static asset will be retained.

@rsbuild/plugin-svgr also supports default imports and mixed imports:

import logoURL from './static/logo.svg';


@rsbuild/plugin-svgr also supports default import and mixed import:

Bundleless mode

In bundleless mode, since each file undergoes code transformation independently, the import ways of ?react and ?url are not supported. However, the following two usage forms are supported:

Named import

@rsbuild/plugin-svgr supports named import of ReactComponent to use SVGR. You need to set svgrOptions.exportType to 'named'.

  svgrOptions: {
    exportType: 'named',
import { ReactComponent as Logo } from './logo.svg';

export const App = () => <Logo />;

All .svg files will be transformed into React components. At this time, you can:

Mixed import

If your library has both URL and React component import forms for SVG files, you can also use mixed import.

  mixedImport: true,
  svgrOptions: {
    exportType: 'named',

At this time, the imported SVG file will export both the URL and the React component.

import logoUrl, { ReactComponent as Logo } from './logo.svg';

console.log(logoUrl); // -> string
console.log(Logo); // -> React component

For more information, refer to the mixedImport option.